Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Free #Ebook on #Kindle Thursday and Friday: Lunar Calendar - Short Mystery Tales and More by Moonlight

My novels Dark Side of the Moon and Stormy Weather have been well received. If you read either and would like more of the adventures of Carolyn Masters and Michael Cheravik, we have a treat for you. This volume includes five short stories featuring our intrepid sleuths. Whether it is searching for the thief who a figurine from a church nativity scene or tracking down a perp who is using poisoned roses to disable his victims, Carolyn and Mike take on the moon's most difficult mysteries with style and a sense of humor.

In addition to the short stories, you will find excerpts from four Dark Side of the Moon Mystery Novels including the first two and a sneak peak at two new novels to appear this spring.

If you are a fan, Lunar Calendar will take you deeper into Carolyn and Mike's world. If you have not read any of the novels, this is a great place to find out more. And through Friday, it's Free!

Thursday, January 17, 2013

Freebie Friday Secret Special

This Freebie Friday, I have two Specials and not just one. One has been announced widely, but the other I saved just for you.

Walking in the Presence

Walking in the Presence: An Everyday Guide to Experiencing the Presence of God will be available January 18 for free as a Freebie Friday Special from Wordmaster Books. This Bible study explores the many ways we can experience the presence of God not just on Sunday mornings, but all through the week. It is appropriate for either individual or small group study. It will be available Beginning Friday Morning 12:01 am pacific time.

SECRET SPECIAL: New Novel Stormy Weather

History professor Carolyn Masters thought she left the FBI years ago, but whenever something happens outside the realm of expertise of the local "security counselors" in the small town of Armstrong City, she and criminology professor Michael Cheravik are put on the case. Oh, did I mention that Armstrong City happens to be on the moon.

This book is part of the Dark Side of the Moon Mystery Series. The first book in the series (temporarily unavailable) introduced us to the reserved Carolyn and tough cop Mike two years ago. In this stand alone sequel they are back on the case when the weather controls in their underground community start going haywire - and it looks like sabotage. As they investigate, Carolyn and Mike find themselves drawn into the shady world of sports betting, smuggling, Big Time Wrestling and steroids for the brain. When their lead suspect in the weather tampering shows up dead, they find themselves on the trail of a serial killer.

Meanwhile Carolyn is juggling her school activities with being on the provisional council writing a constitution for the new Luna Republic and sorting out her feelings for Mike.

This book takes the cozy mystery literally to new heights. This is a blend of science fiction and mystery in a very believable world of the not too distant future. And it will be available for free one day only.


If you enjoy these Friday Freebies, I would invite you to write a short review or just "like" the book on the Amazon book page. It will be appreciated.

Why Sell Ebooks for 99 Cents on #Kindle?

I've had a number of people suggest that I am naïve or maybe just plain crazy to sell everything from a 30 page Bible study to a 200 page novel for just 99 cents. While I do have some sound business reasons for setting that price point, I also have an underlying philosophy that makes me determined to keep that price as long as it is economically possible for me to do so.

To understand a bit about this, I would like you to go back in time with me to when I was in junior high. When I went to the grocery store right after payday, I'd make a beeline for the paperback book rack. It was filled with wonderful stories of mystery and suspense and the future. They derisively called it "pulp fiction" because of the low quality paper the stories were printed on. Admittedly, this was not great literature. These were wonderfully light adventures whose sole purpose was to entertain the reader and lift her out of the sometimes difficult life of being part of a class we would today call the "working poor." Out of my $3.00 every two week allowance, I couldn't afford much, especially since that also had to take care of lunches at school on "turkey days." But for just 35 to 50 cents I could fly to Mars with Edgar Rice Burroughs or work out the Three Laws of Robotics with Isaac Asimov or be on the case with Agatha Christie and Hercule Poirot.

For those hours with those friends, I didn't have to think about having to save the tea bag for the next meal or the fact that we could only afford soda once a week. For the price of a loaf of bread, I could escape my troubles for a few hours.

Today, bread has gone up from 35 cents a loaf to $3.50 and the price of "pulp fiction" is close to $10 a book. Reading is no longer a treat available even to someone on a low income. It is fast becoming a luxury. At least in the print world.

Online, though, the cost of production is low. Admittedly, authors and publishers need to be compensated for their time, but still the cost of production is low enough that those of us who publish direct to the reader can bring back prices that make reading a treat and not a luxury.

As one of those who do not depend on a publisher to edit, format and publish my books, I can offer a price point, and still show a reasonable profit on each sale, of 99 Cents. Many other authors are doing the same. We may not be big names, but I doubt our writing is 10x worse than that of those authors offering their ebooks at $9.95 or more.

I don't pretend to any greatness. I write "pulp fiction." I don't pretend that my stories will change anyone's life, inspire them to greatness or achieve critical acclaim. I don't write for that. I write that people may be entertained and like that child scanning the grocery store rack for a new adventure, maybe just help someone escape their own problems for a few hours without having to figure out how they are going to afford to do so.

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Science Fiction Mystery Novel on #Kindle

It's been two years since my Science Fiction Cozy Mystery Dark Side of the Moon was published. Since then a number of people have been asking, when is the next novel in the series. Well, when is now. I just released it. This one is called Stormy Weather.

This sequel to Dark Side of the Moon finds Carolyn Masters and Michael Cheravik investigating some glitches in the weather controls in Armstrong City on the moon. Meanwhile, Carolyn is juggling her criminal investigations with her job as a history professor and a member of the provisional lunar council trying to come up with a constitution for the new Luna republic. The mystery deepens when the glitches in the weather controls leads to an investigation of sports bookmaking, big time wrestling, steroids for the brain and murder.

Stormy Weather continues the tradition of Dark Side of the Moon of placing a cozy mystery in a science fiction setting. Even people who claim not to enjoy sci-fi have praised Dark Side of the Moon. This story expands on that as our sleuths visit some of the lunar settlements we haven't seen before, like the "company town" of Aldrin on the other side of the tube tracks. While maintaining the cozy mystery elements of a small town setting, closed community and unofficial or semi-official detectives working the case, Stormy Weather adds a touch of the exotic in the setting of a lunar colony.

This book emphasizes the science in science fiction. Taking a "hard science fiction" approach to the genre, the author builds a future culture based on an extrapolation of technology already in the works. However, the story blends in elements of that which will not change. Most of us could find ourselves quite at home in Armstrong City, at least until you forget and jump up too quickly propelling yourself to the ceiling.

Is this a cozy mystery or science fiction? It is a bit of both. Mystery fans will find a complex murder mystery with plenty of twists and turns and red herrings. Science fiction fans will enjoy the dynamics of a future world set in a lunar colony very like our own world, yet totally different at the same time.

Fans of Michael and Carolyn now have another treat to enjoy. Here's an excerpt from Chapter One:

“Today is another beautiful day in Armstrong City. The Weather Department scheduled clear, sunny weather with temperatures in the high 70's for the rest of the week. No rain in ---”

          “Jeeves, snooze clock radio five minutes.” I rolled over and scrunched my pillow into my face. I dreaded the day ahead. Accreditation committee meetings in the morning and curriculum committee in the afternoon. Why do I let myself get roped into these things?

          Just as I began to drift back to sleep, the deep British male voice of the home management system jarred me awake, “Ms. Masters. You have a vid call waiting from Dr. Cheravik. Do you wish to receive this call or record a message?” I don't know why but the default AI bugged me.

          “Since you already woke me up, I may as well take the call. Jeeves, brew some tea and cancel the snooze.”

          I staggered to the comm console. “Answer call, audio only this side.” The screen flickered to life. On screen was a snow globe with the words, “Dr. Masters, we're needed.”

          “I knew it was a mistake to lend you my collection of Avengers chips, Michael Cheravik.”

          “I love those vids. So crazy. But this is serious. Have you looked outside today?” Mike was already dressed in his usual garb – ill-fitting black suit, white shirt and black tie not quite tightened properly. He didn't have to tell anyone he used to be a detective.

          “No, I was resting peacefully in bed before I was rudely interrupted, first, by an overly cheerful weather forecaster and, then, a sight gag from a 1960's spy vid.”

          “Well, you should look outside. I mean it. Go look outside.”

          “Jeeves, Shades open. Window glass one-way.”

          Rain poured down. Drops spattered against the window.

          “Okay, what do you want me to see?”

          “It's raining.”

          “Yes, so what? I lived ten years in San Francisco. I have seen rain before.”

          “But the forecast for today is sunny and clear.” Mike leaned forward slightly obviously expecting me to pick up some hidden meaning in the rain.

          Finally, I got it. On Earth, a forecaster might get it wrong, but on the moon we make our own weather. The forecast is 100 percent accurate. In two years of life in this underground dome made to look like a small town, the forecast has never been wrong. Today was supposed to be sunny. It was raining. Something failed somewhere.

          “Okay, so something is wrong with the weather system. What does that have to do with us?” I was afraid I knew the answer. Two years ago, we solved the first reported murders on the moon and averted a plot to push an asteroid into the earth by lunar separatists. Since that time, Mike’s experience with the Dallas Police Department and my time at the FBI Behavioral Analysis Unit marked us as the “pros” to call in when the local “security counselors” feel out of their depth. Mike enjoys the chase more than I do.

          “It's not just a glitch. Someone inserted a virus causing the system to go haywire. They want me to investigate. Since you are on the provisional lunar council, I thought I'd drag you along.”

          “Thanks a bunch. If I had known, how much work it would take to get a new government installed on the moon, I would never have supported lunar independence and I would certainly never let them put me on the council.”

          Mike Laughed. “You don’t fool me. You’re in your element. You rage about committee meetings, but you eat it up.”

          He was right, but I hated to admit that Michael Cheravik was right about anything.

          “Okay, so what do you want me to do?”

          “Meet me at 2000 Lovell Drive. Wear comfortable shoes. You will need to do some walking.”

Thursday, January 3, 2013

Freebie Friday: His Hand Extended Bible Study (Kindle Ebook)

We are starting a New Year and a new tradition at Wordmaster Books. We will be offering a Free ebook every Friday from our growing collection of Kindle books. This week it will be His Hand Extended: Lessons in Everyday Ministry.

You may not have ever seen yourself as a "minister," but God does have a plan for each of us to serve him, and others. These help you discover and prepare for the ministry God has for you.

Here's a short excerpt:

         Back in the mid-70’s I read a book which began, “I’m just a little girl with a great big God inside of me and I’m out to change my world.”   I remember little else about that book other than that first line.  But those words made a tremendous impact on me.  If I have God living within me, and if I let Him work through me, I am going to change my world.

            As Christians, we are called to be world shakers. We are called to be light in darkness, to bring water to the thirsty, food to the hungry and healing to the wounded.  We are called to cast a long shadow, which like the shadow of Peter has the power to raise up the afflicted.

            An on-line friend of mine says that we are to be “Jesus to the hurting.”  I like that. My mother used to say, “We are the only Bible many people will every read.  We are the only Jesus they will know.”  That’s an awesome responsibility if you think about it.  The Bible says we are Ambassadors of Christ.  We are His representatives. 

            Yet, that scares many of us.  Why?  I don’t think for most it is a fear of ridicule by others, although, that is sometimes the case.  I think most people simply worry about “doing it right.”  They are afraid of failing God by not ministering effectively, so they don’t minister for Him at all.

            In this series of lessons we will be learning about ministry, about the qualities of a minister, and about the source of power for ministry.   Once we understand in whose name and by whose power we minister, we can move out boldly with a “great big God” inside of us and start to change our world