Wednesday, December 19, 2012

New Bible Study: Discovering Your M-I-R-A-C-L-E Self

My latest Bible Study to be featured on Kindle is Discovering Your Miracle Self. Here's the Introduction to that series.
In the field of psychology there is a concept known as "self-actualization.” Many people, including some therapists, unfamiliar with the theory, equate self-actualization with selfishness. However, a list of people believed to have self-actualized disputes this interpretation. They include Ghandi, Moses, Mother Teresa, and the apostle Paul. One could hardly call these individuals selfish.

What the self-actualization theory says is that each of us has a unique set of talents, abilities, predispositions and limitations. We will only be truly happy when we are flowing with these characteristics and not struggling against them. When I read about this theory, lights flashed, bells chimed, fireworks exploded because I saw in it a Biblical truth illustrated in a secular setting. God made each one of us unique with a special set of gifts and abilities. We don't have to be anything other than what made us to be. However, we will never be fully satisfied in him until we are flowing in everything he created in us.

This is what I call discovering your M-I-R-A-C-L-E self. Each letter stands for a different characteristic of the self-actualizing Christian.

M-aster Planned. The first thing to realize is that each of us has a unique life plan laid out for us in heaven. Even though we don't understand it right now, my existence is a vital part of God's plan for the universe.

I-ndividual. One of the great truths of I Corinthians 12 is that each one of us is different, and that we should celebrate those differences, not only in others, but in ourselves. The strength of the body doesn't depend on conformity, but on diversity.

R-estful. As long as you keep fighting against what God planned for you, you will be miserable and tired. Once you give up the fight and follow God's plan for your life, you will find that deep soul rest you seek.

A-uthentic. The MIRACLE self is truthful first with himself or herself and then with others. Living a lie is hard. Living a lie successfully is harder. However, living God's truth is easy and the burden of that truth is light.

C-onnected. The self-actualizing Christian realizes that he or she is part of a larger community and commits to that community of believers in a personal way. As a friend of mine used to say, "There ain't no Lone Rangers in the Kingdom of God."

L-oving. Being part of a community means that you extend yourself in love even to the unlovable. We can only truly "find" ourselves by loving others.

E-nthusiastic. The self-actualizing Christian is fully present in whatever he or she is doing. And when God moves that enthusiasm rushes to move that person in the same direction.

In these lessons, we'll look at each of these aspects of the MIRACLE self in greater depth.
As with all Wordmaster Bible Studies, this series is just 99 cents on Kindle.

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